What We Learned: March Madness

March Madness might be in its final throes, but as we cheered and groaned our way through this tension-and adrenaline-filled season, we’ve realized that the process competing teams go through during March Madness is a pretty good metaphor for what it feels like to compete for a contract with a brand. (Not to mention the payoff in both scenarios is pretty sweet, too.) So, how is a digital marketing agency in New Hampshire the same as a college basketball team? Let’s coach you through it…
The same way a college basketball team practices year-round for those big games, a marketing agency preps nonstop for those few precious moments in front of a golden ticket client. We hone our skills, we run drills, we strategize, and we put in the long hard hours to be in the right place at the right time to make the cut.
Just like the high seed and low seed teams selected by a committee for March Madness, there are always going to be the likely and unlikely agency candidates vying to be the agency of record for a plum client. Fortunately, there are also Cinderella stories of tiny-but-mighty agencies coming up from behind to steal the trophy. (Hint: we always root for the little guy.)
Think the basketball court is rough? With so many agencies producing stellar work, the ruthless tactics you’ll see as agencies contend for a high retainer client are as impressive as they are intimidating.
As the herd is culled, the intensity of the process grows. It’s down to you vs. the other guy, the underdog vs. the big dogs, the country (ahem, Seacoast) mouse vs. the city mouse. You know you’re on the cusp of winning and you can taste victory.
The countless hours devoted to the pitch are taking their toll, and the nerves are beginning to fray. This is the point where everyone wants the main event to be over and done with ASAP.
Hearing that final buzzer and knowing your team won during March Madness must be a moment of delirious joy and exhilaration. Probably similar to the sheer, unbridled happiness that comes with getting an email from the prospective client to let you know they’ve chosen your agency.
Courtside celebrations come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, but at Catchfire, we prefer a celebratory team beverage, a pastry buffet, and maybe a game of ping pong. (Though we can’t rule out dumping a cooler full of Gatorade on our coach’s head…) After that, though, it’s back to work on current client projects and prepping for the next big pitch.
Interested in seeing what kind of A-game design, web development, and inbound strategy we bring to the conference table? Put us in, coach, we’re ready to play.
Categories Agency