“Hey, That’s Not What I Experienced!”

Is your web presence delivering your best?

How many times have you used the Internet to guide your decisions? How many times has it altered your final choice? Using the Internet for aided decision making isn’t a new concept. In fact, it has become a modern proverb known as “Googling”, spoken and recognized all around the world.

While there is tremendous importance to being found, Internet guided decision making goes well-beyond the initial purchase process. How many times do you find a hidden gem of a restaurant, store or organization without using the Internet?

For business owners, the potential of first-impression positive experience is ENORMOUS. For starters you setup repeat business. And as Bonnie Rait tells us, if you give them “something to talk about”, you ignite word-of-mouth in what could become your top salesman.

Sometimes when you create an experience that is so desirable, your customers don’t want it to end. In fact, they might pick up their smart phones or flip open their laptops within a few hours of their visit to come back for more. But what happens if they find something they completely didn’t expect? Or worse yet, what happen if they don’t find you at all?

In today’s world businesses are missing a giant opportunity if they are only delivering exceptional experience first-hand and not leveraging the power of the Internet. Why? Because that is where there customers are. And, it is a dangerous game to give your customers something in one-place and offer them up something completely different in another one. Why? Here’s an example:

Let’s pretend you own a restaurant. I stumble across your location and have one of the best meals and experiences I have had in a long-time. When finish up my meal and head out, I run into a group of my friends. We catch up and they ask me about your restaurant—I pour out my heart and tell them how incredible it was. My best-friend has known me for a long time and takes me as a trustworthy and credible resource. However, he is with a couple of people I don’t know so well and later that night they turn our good friend “Mr. Google” and search for your restaurant. They want real proof of my accounts and expect my experience to be reflected in the form of your website and social media presence. Instead they find an un-polished story and a visual nightmare, their attention is lost and a red flag is raised.  Starting to get the drift?

In today’s world it is imperative to manage your current and potential customer’s experience at all stages of the decision making process. At Catchfire we help our clients extend their experience across integral customer channels so their story checks-out beyond the register. Interested in learning more?

Please feel free to contact us and share your story.


The Domino’s Pizza Website

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