How We’re Optimizing Email Marketing With Klaviyo

While we’re well-versed in the ways of email marketing, we recently made the switch to Klaviyo for our e-commerce clients to enhance our campaign strategy to include more customization options. This email marketing service integrates well with Shopify and allows for custom flows that offer unique discount codes and sign-up forms that easily collect user data to better inform our segmentation approach. Klaviyo also provides a variety of additional automation features that enable us to create email experiences tailored to the interests or behaviors of specific subscribers.

We’re breaking down the fundamentals behind email marketing and why we’re happy to be a Klaviyo partner with expanded email services in our digital toolkit:

Marketing Campaigns vs. Automation

When it comes to ROI, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to sell your brand’s products. With 3.9 billion daily email users, every email marketing campaign comes with an opportunity to develop a message that enables your brand to appeal to a specific audience. Before you start sending effective campaigns, you need to first grow an audience that you can keep in touch with through automated flows and marketing campaigns.

By growing and nurturing a marketing list, you can inform subscribers who’ve opted to hear more from your brand about new product launches and promotions through monthly or weekly marketing emails. Brands can also utilize marketing campaigns to encourage subscribers to make their first purchase, offer personalized product suggestions and push them to social channels. Additionally, allowing subscribers to opt in to certain sub-lists to toggle what type of promotional emails they wish to receive better identifies whether they seek to receive branded content like blogs or are strictly interested in product discounts.

According to Klaviyo, shoppers spend 138% more when marketed to through email compared to those who don’t receive email offers. With the help of email automation, you can gain a substantial amount of revenue and nurture existing customers even if they haven’t subscribed to your brand’s newsletter. Within Klaviyo, we utilize automations, or “flows” as Klaviyo calls them, to send targeted campaigns and trigger specific email flows to our clients’ customers. These flows are sent as a follow-up to those who’ve made a purchase and comprise a series of e-commerce campaigns like welcome or abandoned cart series that aim to generate conversions through brand introduction and sales recovery strategies. We incorporate additional flows like a product review, suggested products and discounts for birthdays or VIP customers who’ve spent over a certain threshold to help supplement our overall email marketing strategy.

Email List Building Strategies

If you have no one to send compelling content to, does it make an impact? That’s where investing in your brand’s marketing list comes into play. Our list-building strategy for Klaviyo includes lead generation ads on social with easy access to the sign-up via Linktree, post-purchase automated flows and an embedded newsletter form on our clients’ homepage offering a discount to incentivize new subscribers. Klaviyo makes it possible to easily build custom sign-up forms on your brand’s website without the help of a developer by integrating with a number of e-commerce platforms for seamless creation. Another bonus, Klaviyo allows easy integration with Facebook Ads. This service provides a streamlined feature for syncing lists & segments with specific audiences for optimal retargeting campaigns.

While growth is the goal, it’s essential to remain compliant with privacy laws and regulations when list building by including a double opt-in process. This step requires new subscribers to confirm their email address and ensure their action was intentional and that they’re open to receiving marketing materials. For those wishing to no longer receive communications from your brand, providing an easy opt-out experience can help maintain a positive relationship between brand and consumer.

Cleaning Your Lists

Regularly cleaning your email lists will help ensure healthy metrics and engagement rates while preventing unengaged subscribers from negatively impacting your campaigns. As email lists continue to grow, following good segmentation practices will increase the likelihood of your emails reaching the right inboxes and generating revenue growth.

If you notice disheartening numbers when monitoring metrics like open rate, click rate and bounce rate, it could be due to unengaged recipients. Scrubbing your list by suppressing unengaged profiles keeps their data inside Klaviyo yet no longer sends emails to their inbox. Utilizing a win-back or sunset flow that offers a discount can help identify unengaged profiles and discreetly begin phasing out communication between brand and recipient.

Importance of Segmentation

While hitting send to your entire subscriber list may seem most effective, email segmentation allows marketers to divide subscribers into smaller sections according to shared characteristics. By narrowing the recipient list, brands can send highly targeted emails based on specific criteria that will feel most relevant to your recipient’s interests.

According to Klaviyo, while 86% of consumers said personalization affects what they buy, 25% said it significantly influences their buying decisions. Unlike the entire email list, segments are lists defined by requirements such as purchase habits, number of transactions, engagement or browsing history, and constantly shifting in size based on established conditions and customer behavior.

With all of the segmentation and customization options to choose from, you can utilize flows to create A/B tests and try out multiple formats or content options to figure out which garners the best engagement from your different lists or segments. Within our clients’ segmentation, we utilize products previously purchased for cross-selling and the number of purchases for specialized loyalty flows. Taking our time to outline strategic flows in Klaviyo helps us get in front of the audience we most want to speak to and who will be most likely to purchase.

While more emails often mean better engagement, personalization is an essential key to engaging your email list. When you send highly targeted messages that directly address your subscribers’ needs, you can anticipate responses that transform your leads into customers. The best way to establish email flows is to map out the customer journey and identify the key touch points you wish to reach your audience. Within Klaviyo, there are various pre-built templates to choose from, making implementing ideas easy for beginners and setting up flows faster for those well-versed in email marketing.

As we continue cultivating our email lists within Klaviyo, we look forward to the conversion rates we can accomplish as we collect more data on our clients’ subscribers. From the plethora of flows to the user-friendly dashboard that provides a snapshot of campaign revenue data, Klaviyo offers a boost for our digital marketing services. With these tools at our disposal, we’re here to guide your brand towards inbox success with an improved email marketing strategy.

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